Smethwick Interfaith Friends went on a “Faith Trail”
For interfaith week 2021, and after a long absence of seeing each other face to face due to Covid, Smethwick Interfaith Friends organised a local faith trail. Members of the Public were invited to join the trail and visit local places of worship. The walk started at Holy Trinity Church, after which we visited Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick, Smethwick Baptist Church and Masjid Usman Capehill.
As well as receiving a guided tour of the building, there were opportunities to meet congregations, observe worship, ask questions and most importantly, plenty of food, refreshments and tea. As we walked between buildings there were conversations, friendship building and a chance to see our local town together. We indeed received plenty of smiles from the public when they saw such a diverse group walking in convoy.
Thank you to Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick, Smethwick Baptist Church and Masjid Usman Capehill for hosting the visits. Enjoy the pictures below!