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The Abrahamic Foundation successfully purchased the former Four Dwellings Children’s Centre for £565,000 on 19 March 2024. This site will enable the large Muslim community in Quinton, Harborne and the surrounding areas to access much-needed services that have not been previously available.
Services will include:
- Excellent salah facilities for brothers and sisters
- Foodbank & Community Kitchen
- Health & Wellbeing Programmes
- Children’s Supplementary School & Tuition Classes
- Spaces for community events
- Dedicated women’s classes
- Bereavement support & janaza facilities
- Khutbahs and regular talks delivered by experienced scholars
- Youth Tarbiya & Mentoring Programmes and much more
We now need to raise £375,000 to complete phase 1 and then begin preparing the building for usage.
Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly – their reward is with their Lord,
and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.” Quran 2:274
Be part of this historical moment by donating and establishing the first masjid in the West Birmingham area.
We only need 375 families to donate £1000 or 750 people to donate £500. With the help of Allah everything is possible so say Bismillah and get fundraising!
You can donate online with GiftAid securely using the donate button below >>>
Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer the value of your donation can increase by 25% at no extra cost to you! So don’t forget to tick the gift aid box.
>> For bank transfer please note: The Abrahamic Foundation, Acc no: 6878-2462 S.C : 30-99-50 (Lloyds Bank)
>> For international donors please note: IBAN: GB52 LOYD 30963401024192
>> To speak to someone in person contact Ramzan on 07877 648 922